January 1, 2016

Top posts of 2015

These are the top 10 most visited posts of 2015.

Visual storytelling is something I’ve been enjoying for some time already; however, it wasn’t until the spring of this year when I’ve started publishing my stories here, on this website.

2015 was quite a year to start with, as I moved from the USA to Europe, which compromised a ton of unexpected adventures. Without further ado, here are the most popular articles of the last year.


Saturated Sunday
Evening storm forms vivid skies in rural Kansas.

The fight for the first place was close, but it was finally claimed by a post describing my daytrip to Pilsen in Kansas. Besides the small community established by Czech descendants, I saw some of the best skies in my life. (Read more)


Why I’m leaving the United States to fulfill my “American Dream”

The second landed an article that isn't that colorful; it is rather gloomy as I wrote down reasons that pushed me out of the US. (Read more)


Doing Things That MatterDSCF5523

A post about the last three weeks before I went to Europe. (Read more)


The Netherlands Experience

How I moved to the “low lands” with ambitious plans that didn’t really work. (Read more)


What's Up In Europe, pt1Prague

The first week I was in Europe again, I visited some landmarks and friends. (Read More)


London Walks: The CityThe City of London

Sixth/seventh places are a draw. One is a post from my "London Walks" series where I've visited the City of London. (Read More) The other is..

Arkansas Road Trip, pt1
Deep forest in Arkansas' Ozark Mountains.

The beginning of a journal about my trip to Arkansas’ Ozark Mountains. (Read More)


Weekend in ScotlandGlasgow Riverside Museum

 A report about my trip to Glasgow and Stirling, my first visit to Scotland. (Read More)


El DoradoSunset at El Dorado State Lake, Kansas

The plan was to check out the lake, grab some shots of local industrial and hopefully get a nice sunset. And oh, it worked! (Read More)


London Walks: The Business DistrictEvening at Canary Wharf

The first of my “London Walks,” as I strolled through midnight Canary Wharf. (Read More)

Honorable Mention:

Lake District AdventureLake District

Trip to the roof of England, one of my favorite articles that didn’t make it into the top 10. (Read More)

Thanks for reading and have a great 2016! See you soon.

Published by: Jakub Stepanovic in Collections


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