March 1, 2016


The all-white landscapes seem to be over for this year, so I went to the Jizera Mountains to enjoy the last snow. 

Not too long ago, all over the country was a winter wonderland.


But the temperatures increased recently, and the snow disappeared from the lowlands. So I went up the hills to see what's left before this winter become only a memory.

Meltdown (10) first, it looked like not much. But the higher I walked, the more white it was.

Meltdown (4)

It was like time-traveling a bit. Reaching the upper elevation returned me a week back, and I walked in the snow again.


Meltdown (2)

Meltdown (3)

..then I took a road back down..

Meltdown (6)

..and returned into the spring.

Meltdown (5)

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Published by: Jakub Stepanovic in Stories


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